Welcome to My Website

Thank you for visiting! I’m an author, screenwriter, and lyricist/poet with a passion for crafting special and meaningful stories—stories that our divided country and world desperately need.

While my tales are fictional, they tackle real-life trending issues—problems that affect us and our children every day, the struggles that divide us and keep us apart.

Before becoming an author and screenwriter, I was driven by a burning desire to see the world become a better place. But as time went on, I watched the world grow darker: kids killing kids, kids killing themselves, cops killing kids, mass shootings, hatred, racism, injustice, and ignorance.

These realities shook my faith in humanity’s ability to grow better as a whole. My burning desire began to fade, and my vision of peace, love, and unity blurred. My heart ached, but then something extraordinary happened—something hit me.

In that moment, I realized I had to act. I had to create something that could start moving the world in a positive direction. And that’s how United We Stand (Society) was born.

But I didn’t want United We Stand to be just the title of a book or a movie script I wrote. I wanted it to be more than the name of my book publishing company or my website.

United We Stand is a theme, a phrase, and a way of life that we should all embrace. It’s a movement—a progression from Black Lives Matter to Every Life Matters. After all, when a beaten-down, battered, bullied, racist, or mentally challenged individual bursts into a school, church, or store and starts shooting, they’ve likely lost all sight of color.

So why should we continue to see color?

Let’s shift our focus. Instead of only seeing people who look like us, let’s notice those who need us. Guns don’t fire themselves. So, is fixing gun laws more critical than fixing our collective focus? Isn’t it time we paid attention to the people who need our love, our therapeutic and encouraging words, and our compassion?

My Mission

My mission is to make a real difference in the world, to provide help, opportunity, and hope to everyone. It’s an ambitious goal, and I can’t do it alone. That’s why I’m praying to gather a team of like- minded individuals willing to lend their voices, minds, and actions to this cause.

If all you can do is spread the word about me and my mission, that alone would be deeply appreciated. But if you choose to join me and make this our mission, it will be a true blessing. Together, we can begin to push our country and world in the right direction.

We all have voices that need to be heard, deeds to be performed and felt, visions, dreams, and ideas to share, and hearts and minds to unite.

What Will You Do?

There may or may not be another time, but there will never be a better time to act.

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Let’s make a difference, together.